Wednesday, September 26, 2018

1st Official Email! 9/26/18

Hey everyone,

 My first week here was super long. My Spanish is progressing super slowly, but I am definitely learning. I have felt the spirit here this week more than ever before. I love it so much . The days go as you wake up at 6:30 and workout then we have breakfast at 8. At 9 we start our classes until lunch at 12:30. Then classes from 1:30 till dinner at 5:30 until 6 then we have classes untill 9.I love the Latino Elders here they are super funny and some of them know English very well. They are all so willing to help you out. Elder Sanchez( a Latino elder) from Nicaragua speaks super good English and is a super amazing guy. He is the only member in his family to have joined the church. He had to drive 2 hours every day to church by himself. And he is paying for his whole mission by himself. He wants to move to America so I said he could live with us. 
   The chocolate milk here is not very good but the rest of the food is super good. They have these cool fruit called lache I think that are all spiky on the outside are like a grape on the inside that tastes like a pear. Its super strange. I cant wait to go out and teach real people. I can already understand a lot of questions but responding is still super hard for me y mi companero.

 I miss you guys lots and I hope that you have a good time at work and at school. I will email you guys in a week.

 Yo se que la iglesia es verdadra. Yo tesifico que Jose Smith restorado la iglesia de Jesucristo de los santos de los ultmos dias.



 Love you all and Ill see you soon ;) 

1 comment:

  1. I am beyond excited for you Ian and praying for you !!! So happy the acomidations are good and so is the food that’s half the battle ! Keep up the good work ! Love all the Waldal’s
