Tuesday, December 11, 2018


This week has been really exciting you could say. Yes, we do have running water but still not warm water. The milk does taste weird and it comes in a box. We aren’t allowed to drink any soda with caffine so I do drink soda but not any of the good ones. HAHA. We have a lot of rice beans and eggs and I like to buy avocados for a snack.
 For my brithday we bought a cake and some candles. Then that night we had an appointment with the Elders quorum president and it was actually a surprise birthday party with another cake and the super good milk and rice drink.
   On Saturday we had a branch party and there were tons of games and food and piƱatas. It was a lot of fun. One of the games was a potato bag race and they had trophies. I got first and my comp got second so we kinda have these two trophies in our house now. On Sunday we had an investigator attend church and we were able to set a goal for the 22nd to get baptized. He tells us every week he wants to get baptized so he just needs the okay to get work off that day and its a done deal!  I am so excited for him. 
  Now for the super interesting parts of this week, On Tuesday I woke up with pink eye and it was all swollen and I wasn’t able to get medicine until today because our area doesn't have good pharmacies. Also, on Saturday I tested positive for Strep and last night I had food poisoning and was throwing up and was on the toilet untill 2:00 this morning. Then to top it off my trainer has changes so I will be getting a new comp to finish my training. So I have to show my new comp where everything is in Zunil because he probably doesn't know this area. But today I got all the medicine I need so I’m all good now. 

The scripture I found this week was Moroni 7:48 "pray unto the Father with all the energey of heart, that ´(you) may be filled with this love" 

Love you guys lots and I’ll see you soon. 


  1. I love reading your blog. I’m so proud of your hard work and dedication to God, Ian. Love to you!
